Products > Roboreels™ > RoboReel™ - Horizontal Triplex Reel

RoboReel™ - Horizontal Triplex Reel

Cat. No 5456

RoboReel™ Horizontal Mount Triplex Reel - designed for linemen to provide an easy and safe means to unwind and rewind cumbersome wire and cable. Extremely rugged, all-weather heavy-duty reels.  Made of steel and E-coated to ensure long life, RoboReels have four adjustable arms that allow an easy and secure means of loading, unwinding and rewinding various coils with different diameters.  Coils can be simply rolled into the stand and clamped into place with the adjustable arms.  Wire is easily pulled or rewound through "smooth" center guides.  Made in the USA by Aircraft Dynamics!

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